
All athletes have the right to compete in sport knowing that they, and their competitors, are clean. Cricket Scotland believe in clean sport and work in partnership with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and the International Cricket Council (ICC) to ensure that the integrity of our sport is protected.

Anti-Doping Rules

Cricket Scotland has in place a set of anti-doping rules that all athletes and athlete support personnel must abide by. The anti-doping rules for Cricket Scotland are consistent with the World Anti-Doping Code (the Code), the core document that harmonises anti-doping policies, rules and regulations within sport globally.

The anti-doping rules of Cricket Scotland are the rules published by UK Anti-Doping (or its successor), as amended from time to time.

If you are a member of Cricket Scotland then the anti-doping rules apply to you, regardless of what level you participate at. You can find the UK Anti-Doping Rules HERE.

World Anti-Doping Code

From 1 January 2021, a new version of the Code is in effect and it’s important that all athletes and athlete support personnel are aware of how this impacts them.

For more information on the changes within the Code, visit UKAD’s website HERE.

Under the Code, an athlete may be classified as being “International-Level”, “National-Level” or a “Recreational Athlete” based on their competition level. Further information on these different categories is available on the UKAD website.

Anti-Doping Rule Violations

Breaking the anti-doping rules can result in a ban from all sport. The Code outlines the Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs). Athletes and athlete support personnel need to make sure they are fully aware of these violations, and the consequences of breaking them. For more information and what this means for those individuals, click here.

For information on individuals serving a ban from sport, visit UKAD’s sanction page on their website HERE.

The Big Picture – Top Tips for Clean Sport

An athlete is responsible for anything found in their system, regardless of how it got there or whether there is any intention to cheat. All athletes and athlete support personnel should make themselves aware of the risks, so they don’t receive an unintentional ban from sport. Useful information for athletes can be found on the

Useful information for athletes can be found by clicking below

Applying for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)

If an athlete with a legitimate medical condition needs to use a prohibited substance or method, they will need to apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE). This is only accepted if there are no other suitable permitted medications or treatments that can be used, and there is a strict, detailed process to determine this.

Athletes can find out more information about the TUE process on the UKAD website here and use the TUE Wizard to find out whether they need to apply for a TUE and who to submit their application to.

What Happens in a Test

Athletes should feel prepared and know their rights and responsibilities when they are notified to be tested by a Chaperone or Doping Control Officer. Check out this video on the testing process from start to finish HERE.

Athletes can find out more in the Introduction to Testing section of UKAD’s website.

Protect Our Sport

Protecting clean sport depends on everyone playing their part – athletes, coaches, or parents – whether on centre stage or behind the scenes. Speak out if you feel there’s something wrong – no matter how small. UKAD guarantee that your identity will always be kept 100% confidential. Find out more about Protect Your Sport here.

There are four ways to contact if you want to speak out:
• Email – When you feel something’s wrong, send UKAD an email. UKAD guarantee that your name and email address will be kept confidential. Email at
• Online Form – Let UKAD know via the form on Choose the two-way communication option at the end of the form. You will still be anonymous, but UKAD will have the chance to follow up later on. Fill in the form HERE
• 24/7 Hotline – Call on 08000 32 23 32. UKAD is here to listen and won’t ask who you are. You may want to keep your identity a secret but telling UKAD who you are makes a real difference later on, so consider emailing or speaking via WhatsApp first.