Cricket Scotland are pleased to offer two fantastic new programmes to support clubs in attracting new females to the sport. Details on these programmes and how to be part of the action are below:
Cricket Scotland’s very own CricHIIT programme is available to cricket clubs in Scotland this summer. The fun, fast and social exercise programme incorporating the High Intensity Interval Training principles as well as basic cricket skills, is designed to introduce women and secondary school girls to cricket.
Sessions are just 45 minutes long and can ideally run alongside junior cricket sessions like All Stars, for mums and sisters who enjoy a fun work out whilst trying out batting, bowling and fielding skills.
Cricket Scotland will provide a short training course for those delivering the sessions at the club, as well as session plans and video instructions.
To register your club and your Activator by 1 May 2018, please click here
Women`s Softball Cricket
The hugely successful Women’s Softball Cricket Festivals launched by the ECB last year to celebrate the Women’s World Cup are coming to Scotland this summer. Cricket Scotland’s Female Participation Team will be selecting 10 clubs with the best festival delivery plans to receive the branded equipment to deliver their festivals.
The equipment is specifically designed with females in mind and the social format will appeal to all those women that have always wanted to try cricket, without having to worry about getting hurt.
Click here to complete the application form with your clubs’ details and plans. Applications close on 18 April 2018 and the 10 successful clubs will be announced on the Cricket Scotland website.