Cricket Scotland Club Conference
How cricket and cricket clubs can grow in Scotland
An event focusing on how Scotland’s cricket clubs can
play a bigger role in people’s lives and become hubs for their communities
Saturday 24th March 2018, University of Stirling
If cricket and our clubs are to grow they have to become much more than places where people ‘just play their cricket’ and compete in a league. They have to play a bigger part in the lives of local people and communities and become fun and social destinations.
In the current climate, sport is increasingly being asked to deliver ‘sport for change’ and real community benefits. So, the more cricket can show that it`s not just played by some ‘diehards’ but embraces new communities, formats, and ways of delivering; the more players, partners and funding we can attract.
This event is all about how we can develop #MuchMoreThanCricket and how cricket clubs can become a central part of the local community.
“This is not just a conference. It is a forum which focuses on best practice and provides thoughts, tools and to-dos. Real stories and successes to be told, lessons to be learnt, ideas and experiences to be shared on how to grow cricket.”
Some of the exciting presentations include:
Twechar Healthy Living & Enterprise Centre – engaging the whole community
Sandra Sutton, Chair, Twechar Community Action
Drumchapel Table Tennis Club – 500 members and a hub for the community – how?
Terry McLernon, MBE
Sport for Change in Scotland – what it means for cricket
Svend Elkjaer, Director, Sports Marketing Network
How to engage and attract young people
Rosie Dyke, All Stars Activator, Perth Doo’cot CC
Presentations from three thriving cricket clubs on how they are progressing on their journey:
Gala CC
Westquarter & Redding CC
Galloway CC
Participate in group discussion on:
• how to change your club’s culture
• how to raise the profile of your club
• how to attract change – makers
• how to recruit more players
How to Register
Registration for the #muchmorethancricket conference is via our new membership portal Go Membership. This membership portal is being rolled out this year to all cricket players, coaches, club members and fans.
Cricket Scotland Member Clubs
Please follow this link REGISTRATION and select conference tickets then checkout. If you are already a member, login to your profile and complete the booking.
If you do not currently have a membership profile on Go Membership, simply complete the registration page and then checkout.
External Booking
The conference is open to wider partners and organisations interested in attending the day. If you are not from a Cricket Scotland member club, please click on the link below to register. There is a £40 delegate fee.
External Delegate Registration
Please feel free to circulate around your club and contacts. We highly recommend that multiple people from your club attend to maximise the learning and impact when you take some of the ideas back to your own clubs.
If you have any queries please contact Cricket Scotland Head of Participation, Ian Sandbrook –