Inch Park Community Sports Club (Home of Edinburgh South Cricket Club) have secured funding to help support the development of 10 individuals to take part in a new development programme to give them the skills and qualifications they need to play a leadership and coaching role with their club. These leadership aspect of the qualification is designed to provide personal development that will benefit the individual in their professional lives as well as in their role as coaches.
This is a fantastic opportunity for individuals and clubs alike to take advantage of a fully funded programme that will help you drive your club forward.
The programme will include:
UKCC L2 Coaching Young People & Adults Cricket Coaching Award
A leadership development programme designed to help you get the best out of the people you are coaching.
A mentor for 12 months to help embed the learning from the training.
The programme is fully funded so free of charge to those involved. Before applying, individuals should ensure they are able to commit to the following:
You are able to commit to coaching at a club as a volunteer for the summer of 2018 following completion of the programme in March 2018 (please note this can be a mix of paid and voluntary work, but MUST involve some form of meaningful and sustained voluntary commitment through the whole summer. Additional weighting in the application will be given to voluntary commitment.
You are willing to commit to seven Sundays between October and February in Edinburgh to take part in the course.
That you are able to complete all the learning by the end of March 2018.
If demand is higher than the places available, then priority will be given to those applicants who meet one of the following criteria:
People on low incomes
People with mental health conditions
People with a physical disability
People with a learning disability
People with a long-standing illness, disease or condition
People affected by abuse
Older people (65+ years old)
Young people (up to 25 years old)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex people (LGBTI)
People affected by homelessness
People affected by addictions
Single parents
People from BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) communities
A completed application form, and a cover letter from both the individual and club should be submitted to Paul Reddish – – by 5pm on Friday 8th September.
The individual cover letter should focus on the individual’s motivations for applying, confirmation they can meet the commitments required and how they think it will benefit them.
The club cover letter should focus on the impact this investment will have on the club over the next couple of years, and confirmation on what role the individual will fulfil with the club following completion of the course (including specific role, approximate hours and whether voluntary/paid and split).