
LMS Club Awards 2017 – nominations open!

Abbi Aitken-Drummond @CricketScotland
July 24, 2017 7 years

Last Man Stands Club Awards 2017

Cricket Scotland is pleased to announce that nominations for the Last Man Stands Club Awards 2017 are now open. The awards are part of Cricket Scotland`s continued efforts to support clubs and volunteers that are the heart-beat of the game.

The Last Man Stands Club Awards will celebrate the efforts of Scotland`s cricket clubs and volunteers, and provide a great opportunity for Cricket Scotland to recognise the often unsung heroes that make our game tick.

We believe the award categories are unique, and will reward those clubs and volunteers that are demonstrating the type of activities that will help Scottish cricket clubs thrive in the future.

Ian Sandbrook, Head of Participation, said “These awards will celebrate the successes of clubs and volunteers that are proactive and modern in their approach to club development. The standard of the category winners last year was very high and I can wait to see this year`s nominations as I know there`s some fantastic club activities going on.”

The 6 categories are outlined below and nomination forms attached. All nominations close on Monday 14th August 2017

1. Biggest Change-Maker at a Scottish Cricket Club
Is there someone at your club who has initiated significant change that has transformed or is transforming your cricket club for the better? Does this person gain the recognition that they deserve? This award is for a person or a group of people who have shown passion, drive and commitment to develop your club.

2. Scotland`s Most Welcoming Cricket Club
This award is for the club that has gone out of their way to attract, welcome and integrate new members. They would have used an innovative approach to `look after` their members, that is reflected in the enjoyment and experiences had at the club.

3. Best use of `Bite-Sized` Volunteers
Many clubs still exist due to the hard work of a small handful of committed volunteers. This award is specifically for a club or group that has engaged many volunteers, each playing a small but vital part in effectively delivering an event.

4. Best use of Social Media
This award is for the club that makes best use of social media to communicate with its members and the wider community. This includes any club website, Twitter account, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or any other innovative means that clubs use to engage with people.

5. Strongest Community Engagement
This award is for the club that has `Community Engagement` at their heart. They engage people and groups from all parts of their community to grow the game and promote the long-term sustainability of the club.

6. Most Innovative and Effective Income Generation
This award is for the club that thinks differently when it comes to income generation. The club displays an `innovative` approach in order to maximise revenue for the long-term sustainability of their club.

To make a nomination for any of the above categories, please here and fill in the nomination form.

For clarity, a club can be nominated by one of its own members and individuals/clubs can be nominated for multiple categories.

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