

Lizzie Sleet @CricketScotland
April 5, 2017 7 years

As part of Cricket Scotland’s mission to better engage with member clubs, the club survey in January was designed to offer a platform for us to listen to what services and support clubs are looking for.

The response to the survey was very positive with 58% of clubs taking part and although the theme of responses varied between regions, the overall message from focused on additional support with administration, membership development, coaching and funding.

For administration, the response highlighted:

Only 15% of clubs currently use an online membership system
58% of clubs have a Data Protection policy
97% of clubs have a nominated Child Protection Officer

Specific areas of support requested were:

Support with developing a Data Protection Policy and guidance on policies in regards to protection of children

General policies on best practise

In some regions, a more joined up approach to player registration

For membership development, many clubs are pursuing programmes to help them grow their club:

86% engaged with their regional participation manager in 2016

Specific areas of support requested were:

More information on Thriving clubs and Community coaching programme
Advice on membership development strategies

Access to community coaches remains a clear priority for clubs. 64% of clubs are aware of the community coaching programme and of the 36% that are not aware, all of them would like information on the programme.

Funding is clearly still a major concern for some clubs with support requested for:

Advice on applications for external funding and support with sponsorship

Access preferred partners offering a discount on club equipment, clothing, energy services, broadband and website design

Some fantastic suggestions were made for growing the game at grass roots, community involvement and making international home matches more of a fan experience and family day out.

Further qualitative research is being conducted with individual clubs on specific responses within the survey and many of the suggestions will be implemented via the regional, commercial and operational teams within Cricket Scotland.

Paul Macari, Commercial Manager commented “It’s a huge thank you from us to all the clubs that responded to the survey. Listening to the needs of our clubs is a key to the successful growth in engagement planned by Cricket Scotland. I am impressed by the positive input from our clubs and the great work they are doing in working with us to inspire people in Scotland to play cricket.”

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